Welcome to PlantScan.eu!

The leader in Ultrasonic Leak Detection Systems Now in Europe!

PlantScan® Corporation was founded in 1989 in Littleton, Colorado, USA. It is a pioneering manufacturer of ultrasonic leak detectors, condition monitors and IR/Contact thermometers. If you are involved in preventive plant maintenance in industries as diverse as HVAC/Refrigeration, transportation, shipping, industrial plant or facilities, automotive, military & defense, marine - anything involving gas or liquid leaks - we are your No. 1 supplier of everything in leak detection.

Use this website to browse our leak detection products, including ultrasonic leak detectors as well as compressed air flow meters, condition monitors, and thermometers. We also excel at fluids analysis (oil / coolant / grease), and other technologies in the preventive / predictive maintenance field to keep your factory, building, plant, or ship up and running.

Don’t miss our free leak detection guide, or if you have questions reach out to us by email or call +1-303-706-1183.

We’re happy to help!

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